Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

Passive voice

 Nur Rahmi Mardiyah

Active and Passive Voice

Ø  Active Voice
Adalah kalimat yang subjeknya (S) melakukan pekerjaan.
 Ismail eats mango. (Azam makan mangga)
 S   + V + O
Note  : Ismail = S (melakukan pekerjaan makan)

Ø  Passive Voice
Adalah kalimat yang subjeknya (S) dikenai pekerjaan.
Mango is eaten by Ismail. (mangga dimakan Azam)
S     +    V
Note : Mango = S (dikenai pekerjaan makan)

  Kalimat Active  dapat di ubah menjadi kalimat Pessive dan sebaliknya.Tetapi kalimat yang dapat diubah dari aktif menjadi pasif adalah kalimat transitif (kalimat yang memiliki objek).
Active             : Mary helped the boy.
                            S  +       V    +   O
Passive            : The boy was helped by Mary.
                            S  +       V

Pola dasar kalimat aktif dan pasif
Perhatikan perubahan tenses dari kalimat aktif ke pasif di bawah ini:

A.‘By’ digunakan dalam kalimat pasif apabila pelaku pekerjaan perlu untuk diketahui.
            ‘Life on the Mississippi’ was written by Mark Twain.
B.Kalimat pasif digunakan apabila tidak perlu diketahui pelaku pekerjaan.
            The streets are swept every day.
C.Kalimat pasif digunakan apabila kita tidak tahu atau lupa siapa pelaku pekerjaan.
            The professor was murdered.
D.Kalimat pasif digunakan apabila subject pada kalimat aktif adalah ‘people’.
            He is suspected of receiving stolen goods. (People suspect him of …)
E.Kalimat pasif digunakan apabila subject pada kalimat aktif berupa indefinite pronoun
            Active             : One sees this sort of advertisement everywhere.
            Passive            : This sort of advertisement is seen everywhere.

F.Kalimat pasif digunakan apabila kita lebih tertarik dengan pekerjaan (action) daripada siapa
pelaku pekerjaan.
            A new public library is being built.
G.Kalimat pasif dapat digunakan untuk menghindari kalimat yang janggal atau tidak sesuai
            dengan tata bahasa.
            When he arrived home a detective arrested him.
            Akan lebih baik           :
            When he arrived home he was arrested (by a detective).

Contoh kalimat Active ke Passive dengan menggunakan tenses :

            Active                                                                                                             Passive
v  Simp;e Present
- She drivers the car.                                 Menjadi                      - The car is drivern by her.
v  Simple Past
- She drove the car.                                   Menjadi                       - The car was driven by her.
v  Simple Future
- She will drive the car.                               Menjadi                       - The car will be driven by her.
v  Present Continous
- She is driving the car.                               Menjadi                       - The car is being driven by her.
v  Past Continous
- She was driving the car.                           Menjadi                       - The car was being driven by her.
v  Future Continous
- She will be driving the car.                       Menjadi                       - The car will be being driven by her.
v  Present Perfect
- She has driven the car.                             Menjadi                       - The car has been driven by her.
v  Past Perfect
- She had driven the car.                             Menjadi                       - The car had been driven by her.
v  Future Perfect
- She will have driven the car.                     Menjadi                       - The car will have been driven by her.
v  Present Perfect Continous
- She has been driving the car.                     Menjadi                       - The car has been being driven by her.
v  Past Perfect Continous
- She had been driving the car.                    Menjadi                       - The car had been being driven by her.

Ø  Jika dalam kalimat subjek melakkan pekerjaan, maka kalimat subjek pasif subjuklah yang dikenai pekerjaan.
Contoh :
Active : My mother  sweeps the floor
Passive : The floor swept by my mother
Active : Beethoven wrote this piece
Passive : This piece was written by betthoven
Active : My little brother wrote this song this morning
Passive : This song was written this morning
Active : He wants to bring the camera
Passive : He wants her to bring the camers
Active : Nobody geve me money
Passive : I was given the money by nobody

A.    The Passive is  :
                                                                    Past participle





Cleaned        done
Exported      made
Damaged     broken

The past participle of regular verbs is –ed (cleaned/damaged, etc.). for a list of irregular past participles (made/seen, etc.) , msee Appendixes 1 and 2.
·         Butter is made from milk.
·         Oranges are imported into Canada.
·         How often are these eooms cleaned ?
·         I am never invited to parties.

·         This  house was built 100 years ago.
·         These houses were built 100 years ago.
·         When was the telephone invented ?
·         I wasn’nt invited to the party last week.
·         Six people were injured in the accident yesterday.

B.     We say was/were born :
·         I was born in Los Angles in 1974. (not “I am born”)
·         Where were you born ?

C.     Passive + by..... :
·         We were woken up by the noise. (= The noise woke us up.)
·         The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
·         My brother was bitten by a dog last week.

Sumber :
PT Bhuana Ilmu Populer  Kelompok Gramedia  Jakarta , 2010

Cambridge University Press 38, Raymond Murphy 1998, Basic Crammar in USE.


      B I O D A T A  D I R I

Name                          :     Nur Rahmi Mardiyah

Place  & date of birth :     Bekasi,  05 June  1992
Gender                        :     Female
Height  & Weight       :     158cm / 44kg
Status                          :     Belum Menikah      
Citizenship                  :     Indonesia
Religion                       :     Islam
                              Address                       :     Street  Sungai Rokan Blok F No F.42 Rt07/Rw 19 Perumahan Harapan Jaya 2 Bekasi Utara 17124
No. Phone/Mobile       :     081311064805
Hobbies                       :     watch Film Korean
E-mail                         :
1.      SMK Tahta Syajar, Bekasi
2.      SMP Seroja 88, Bekasi
3.      SDN Harpan Jaya XVI

2007 – 2010
2004 – 2007

1998 - 2004



