nama: Nur Rahmi Mardiyah
npm: 15210144
I go to Jakarta
Wednesday, I am go to Jakarta together uncle and out the traveler rain and jam, I bored in the cair. Andthen, arrive in Apartment Sudirman Park. I go to swim pond’s for foot soak because lose tired. And then I go to 1st 35 if I see under for 1st 35 kinds drive example children’s play because more small see.
Andthen, the room I had eaten together uncle and out. Sister’s and bother when we had lunch, arrive come a beautiful girl is Olivia famous actress in the movie “Hafizah” happy love me because favorite actress, but Afgan not go to Apartment usually. He like had coming to Apartment if leisure time. I like Afgan for mild voice. Olivia and Afgan is sister friends because my sister’s had working the other entertainment, I speak with Olivia long time, Olivia is good and confidential.
Afternoon, I go to home in Bekasi, the traveler I meet with friend, andthen I home course me near with home her. I finish home 21.30 pm.